Waiting list

Waiting list policy

We currently have 53 people waiting for a plot at Dorset Road Allotments.   This is made up of people who do not currently have an allotment plot on our site as well as existing plotholders looking for an additional plot.

We only offer people who are new to Dorset Road half or quarter plots because a full plot can be too much to those new to allotmenting.

However those who do stick with it and work their plot sometimes apply for an additional plot adjacent to or near their existing plot.  These existing plotholders sometimes sit at the top of the waiting list for many months before a plot they want becomes available.

Don’t be surprised if you get an email or phone call when you are 5th or 6th on the list.  This means there are either existing plotholders waiting at the top of the list for  neighbouring plot or we have more than one plot to rent.

We sometimes invite a couple of people on the waiting list to visit the site and view available plots at the same time, in these circumstances we have a strict policy of giving the person highest on the list first choice of plots.

We will try and contact you three times to offer you a plot.   If we do not hear from you after the third attempt we will remove you from the waiting list.  If you change your mind and no longer want a plot at Dorset Road Allotments please let us know.

Waiting list

No. Code
1 DC0522
2 NB0622
3 RM0622
4 DN0622
5 ME0622
6 ME06222
7 JLM0822
8 IB0822
9 KJ0822
10 CA0822
11 CB0822
12 PM0922
13 LG0922
14 MR1022
15 AF1022
16 SB1222
17 AJL1222
18 RN0323
19 SH0323
20 SN0323
21 TK0423
22 PS0423
23 SB0423
24 AMS0423
25 KP0523
26 GB0523
27 MH0523
28 RW0523
29 HW0623
30 LB0723
31 ET0723
32 AW0823
33 CS0923
34 DC0923
35 SP0923
36 MA1023
37 AF0124
38 LG0124
39 VE0224
40 KG0324
41 AS0324
42 ZL0324
43 CM0424
44 OB0424
45 FC0524
47 HS0524
48 CV0624
49 SU0624
50 LC0724
51 DB0724
52 RF0824
53 RC0824