Clubhouse Crowdfunder launched!

Today we are launching our fundraiser to continue the refurbishment of the Clubhouse.   So far we have raised nearly £30,000 towards the costs and the builders have started work.   But to make sure the Clubhouse can be a fabulous community space for years to come we need to raise more funds.

The Aviva Community Fund will match any money we raise through our new crowdfunder.  If we raise more than our target we will put the surplus funds towards rebuilding the pond viewing platform in the wildife garden.

I hope you can help us raise funds to by donating here: Clubhouse Crowdfunder


Clubhouse refurbishment project

Our Clubhouse has a long history.  It began life as the changing rooms for the Crystal Palace Park Concert Bowl (there is a short video about the history of the concert bowl/platform here) .

Map of Crystal Palace Park with the concert bowl and changing rooms circled in blue

In 1997 when new permanent concert facilities were built the changing rooms were bought by the allotment with funds raised from members,  dismantled and moved to our allotment site.

The former changing rooms dismantled at our allotment site

With the help of volunteers and with the Council the building was re-erected and became our Clubhouse.

The Clubhouse being re-constructed

Completed Clubhouse

It has seen hundreds of community events since it was officially re-opened by the Mayor of Bromley in April 1999.

It has now been the centre for member and community events for over 20 years – not bad for a wooden building constructed in 1962 as temporary changing rooms!

The Clubhouse has been used by generations  of allotment members, the wider Bromley allotment community, bee keepers and local residents and community groups.

Bromley Allotment Consultative Panel having lunch after touring the site in 2001
Jim Dowd MP viewing stalls at our open day.
The 19th Bromley Beavers having lunch after their community day planting trees and seed bombing in the wildlife garden.

Untold cups of tea and slices of cake have been consumed at events, meetings, birthdays, wedding and funeral receptions.

Christmas wreath making workshop

In 2019 it was renamed The Tom Douglas Clubhouse in honour of our former Secretary who was instrumental in securing the building for the site and contributed so much to support our allotment and allotments in Bromley.

Whilst our Clubhouse has been maintained by our members, it is now in need of refurbishment.

Our refurbishment plans include:

  • improving the accessibility
  • recladding the exterior
  • installing insulation and new double glazed windows
  • relining the interior
  • replacing the recycled 1980s domestic kitchens.
  • installing new energy efficient heating and hot water.

This will make it a brighter and welcoming space for use by our members and the wider community.

We are currently fundraising to refurbish the building to ensure it can continue to be the heart of our allotment community for future.

Watch this space for future fundraising activities and news of the project.

Community Spruce – achievements

Thank you to all members who have contributed to our Community Spruce initiative over the past year. Here’s what we’ve achieved together:

  • Tidied the site, removing two skip loads of rubbish.
  • Refurbished the toilets,  including replacing the broken toilet seat in the ladies loo, painting the walls and doors and putting new lino down.
  • Clive’s kitchen has been cleaned and a new fridge, kettle and microwave installed for members’ use.
  • The communal polytunnel has been cleared and cleaned ready for growing plants for open day.
  • The bonfire area has been cleared and new compost bins made.
  • The grass has been cut throughout the year.
  • The hedging has been pruned and overgrown areas cut back.
  • The office has been cleared.
  • We’ve planted new wildflower verges and hedging around our perimeter and planted wildflower seeds in the wildlife garden. This work is part of our re-wilding initiative, which will increase the biodiversity on our site and help support our fellow plant and animal communities which are now seriously threatened by climate change and loss of habitat.

We have been helped by teams of corporate volunteers, a great new initiative  set up by Linda, which brings donations to the site and gets work done quickly.  The 19th Bromley Scout Group also helped plant new hedging and seed bombed the wildlife garden.

There will be more opportunities to join in Community Spruce activities in 2020 as we continue to work to make our allotment site a peaceful, wildlife haven and an important community asset.