Seedy Sunday – 24th March 2019

When we were consulting on what people wanted to see at Dorset Road Allotments,  members frequently asked for opportunities to come together as a community to do something to benefit the site as well as get to know each other.  Our first community day was in February when we planted new hedging and seed bombed the wildlife garden.  Seedy Sunday on 24th March is our second community day.

Come along to the Clubhouse to swap any spare seeds or plants with your fellow plotholders, help sow seeds to sell at the open day and learn from experts.  You can also have a cup of tea or coffee with your fellow allotmenteers.

The shop will also be open so that  you can stock up on any gardening equipment or buy some seeds at a discounted price.

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th March.

Community Spruce – hedge planting and wildflowers

Thank you for the members who helped out at our first community spruce event – hedge planting and seed bombing the wildlife garden.  Members made seed bombs that will help improve the diversity of wildflowers in the wildlife garden providing more forage for bees and insects and enhancing the biodiversity of the area.

The trees members planted will, in a few short years, provide a habitat and food for wildlife as well as foraging for plot holders.   The new hedge is made of 50% buckthorn (sloe berries) as well as wild native fruit trees including crab apple, plum, cherry, pear and juneberry.  It also includes various native roses such as dog rose, sweet briar rose and Rosa rugosa.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts from the 19th Bromley Scout Group who came along to help.   They had a tour of the allotments, learnt about what we grow on site and planted the first trees in the new hedge.  They also had fun throwing the seed bombs they’d brought with them into the wildlife garden.

Finally, thank you to the committee members who made lunch for the young people.

Our next Community Spruce event is Seedy Sunday on 24th March between 1-3pm.  There will be a community seed swap, seed sowing demonstrations and advice as well as activity for children.

Hedge planting and seed bombing: Saturday 23rd February 2019

Since the committee was elected in November we have been asking members what they would like to see at Dorset Road Allotments.  A common request was for more working parties and community activities.   As a result we have created the Dorset Road Allotment’s Community Spruce programme for 2019.  This will give members an opportunity to come together to volunteer to help improve the site, to learn and to celebrate.

The first event is on Saturday 23rd February between 11am and 1pm.   We will be planting new wildlife and forager-friendly hedging along the perimeter of the site continuing work that has been underway for some time now.  Not only does native hedging provide a habitat for wildlife, it makes the site look better and importantly improves security.

As well as planting hedging there will be an opportunity to make wildflower seed bombs to try and bring diversity to the wildlife garden.  The 19th Bromley Scout Group have already made seed bombs for us and some of the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be on site to launch them into the wildlife garden.

We hope  you can join us to help improve the site and meet some of your fellow allotmenteers.

Refreshments will be provided.