Spring Community Spruce days

Dorset Road Allotments is maintained by our Members who volunteer to help out.   This Spring we will be holding a series of community spruce days for Members to help maintain the site.  These days will comply with the Covid regulations.


Sunday 7th March, 11.00am – 1.00pm

The wildlife garden needs clearing of brambles in some areas, strimming the long grass and cutting back and planting new hedgerows. We’ll also be replacing the plastic covering the site nursery polytunnel.

Sunday 28th March, 11.00am – 1.00pm

We’ll be continuing work in the wildlife garden including looking at the decking platform, planting new trees in the orchard and setting up the site nursery, with some seed sowing and clearing of site rubbish.

Sunday 11th April, 11.00am – 1.00pm

Seed sowing of tender crops for Plant Sales Day, pricking out and potting on,  and repair of fences around the site

Sunday 23rd May, 11.00am

Plant Sales Day, when we’ll be selling mainly vegetable plants for members’ and friends plots and gardens, including squashes, courgettes, sweetcorn, tomatoes, beans etc.

If you cannot make one of the Community Spruce dates please check the Jobs Board for site work that needs doing.